As part of the Sports Sub-Committee that I lead, we went to this adventure park. People either thought it was dangerous or that it was for kids. Tant pis pour eux! The trip was shot, only 15 minutes from Luxembourg Ville to Dommeldange, including the change of train we had to do. From la gare we had to walk about 10 minutes to get to the forest. Our adventure began!!! After a few minutes of safety techniques and how you were supposed to hold the harness, we practiced in a small circuit.

We climbed one by one a tall wooden climbing wall and for 2 hours we didn't touch the ground. Some of the parcours were fun and easy, but for others I needed moral support from Wolfie and Titta…Thank you guys.
I remember the Saute de Tarzan. You have to jump off a platform holding the cord. From that first impulse you have to grab the net in front of you and climb it. It sounds very easy, but the platform is very high and it took me over 10 minutes to jump off that platform. When I finally decided to jump "y que sea lo que Dios quiera" people started to applaud. At least I grabbed the cord at once and the instructor didn't have to come swing me.
After having done that much exercise we went to a well deserved glass of beer
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